Sunday, May 5, 2013


Blog Post #15

As I read through my first blog I realized I haven't changed my thoughts as to how I will run my classroom but I will broaden the horizon! In my first blog I wanted to have my students involved in open discussion, to think outside the box, complete hands on projects and introduce them to new technology tools. After taking EDM 310 I have realized I can incorporate all of these things with the use of technology.
I have learned that there are so many ways to have open discussions with my students inside and outside of the classroom. I would like to have my students create a blog to help voice their opinions. This will allow them to also have discussion with not only classmates but with people around the world. Parents and family can also comment on their blogs and in doing so I believe it will help the students build confidence and know that what they have to say is important.
In my first blog I said that I want my students to think outside the box. In a nutshell this means NO BURP BACK education as Dr. Strange would say. I would like to give my students different projects to complete and allow them to complete the problem solving and come up with a way to finish the assignment. Once the student knows how to learn to learn the possibilities are endless.
Of course as I said in my first post i want to have hands on projects. This goes hand in hand with all my other topics. I still want to have hand on projects but maybe change the projects into iMovies or podcast. These are still hands on because the students have to learn how to make these and do the research while making them. I want to incorporate all the new tools I was introduced to this semester into my classroom as much as possible! Thank You Dr. Strange!

Project #13

Our group, JAM, decided to use face time, Google docs and Google chat options while planning our smart board project. We came up with a lesson plan while face-timing each other. We all agreed on doing a lesson plan about identifying the parts in a plant cell. Chelsea looked up the vocabulary that would go with the lesson then she shared the document with me and Callie to be sure we were all still on the same page. I found a lesson on Smart Board Exchange for us to use that went with what we already had. On Google chat we discussed how each of us would take part in the lesson. Once we all agreed and were done with the lesson we met and filmed us identifying the plant cell. Chelsea was the teacher while me and Callie were students in her class.